Welcome to the Caisse des Dépôts professional alert platform

In accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions in force and the Code of Ethics of Caisse des Dépôts, this platform enables any authorised person* to send a report to the CDC Ethics Officer concerning (i) a crime or offence, (ii) a threat or harm to the general interest, (iii) a violation or attempted concealment of a violation of a law, regulation, etc.

*The people who can report via the platform are: employees of the CDC Etablissement public (EP), members of the EP's executive committee, members of the supervisory board, former employees, job applicants, temporary staff, trainees, service providers with a current contract with the EP, suppliers of the EP, partners linked to the EP by a contract.

Make a new report Access an existing report


Your declaration is a serious undertaking and may have implications for the people concerned. 

You undertake to: 

  • act sincerely and loyally when using the Alert Reporting Platform;
  • to file an alert in good faith and without any direct financial consideration, i.e. without any intention to harm or gain personally;
  • when filing an alert, limit yourself to communicating facts, presumed or proven, or behaviour that leads to the presumption of the existence of an act that falls within the scope of the alert and that you have personally observed;

You are reminded that improper use of the whistleblowing mechanism may expose you to disciplinary sanctions and legal proceedings. Conversely, use of the mechanism in good faith, even if the facts subsequently prove to be inaccurate or do not give rise to any follow-up, will not expose you to any disciplinary sanction. 

Can I make an anonymous alert?

You can submit an alert anonymously. When you submit your alert, you will receive a personal code that will enable you to access the responses to your alert when you access the platform again. This code must be kept carefully as it determines your access to information.

Anonymous alerts will only be processed if the elements mentioned are sufficiently factual, detailed and serious, which implies an in-depth examination of the appropriateness of responding to them. 

Providing your contact details will enable your alert to be dealt with more effectively. And the guarantees of whistleblower protection can only be implemented if your identity is specified.

Is my report protected by confidentiality?

Reports are collected and processed in such a way as to guarantee the strict confidentiality of :

  • your identity ;
  • the identity of the person(s) referred to in the report ;
  • of any third party mentioned in the alert;
  • the documents, information or data collected as part of the alert.

Alerts are processed and exchanged via the platform. Alerts may only be accessed by persons authorised to know about them within CDC. They take all necessary measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of documents and information, whether they are collected, processed or stored. They are also bound by a written undertaking of reinforced confidentiality.

How is the admissibility of my report assessed?

The admissibility of your report will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Do the facts reported constitute a crime or an offence, a threat or harm to the general interest, a violation or an attempt to conceal a violation of a law or regulation, etc.?
  • If you are not anonymous, are you one of the beneficiaries of the right to alert? If you are anonymous, are the facts reported described in sufficient detail?
  • Is the report made in good faith and without financial consideration?
  • Did you learn of the facts in the course of your professional activities? If not, did you personally learn of the facts?

If your report is not accepted, you will be informed and you will not benefit from whistleblower protection.

What happens after I submit my alert?

Once you have submitted an alert, the platform generates a unique confidential code that you must keep in order to access the follow-up of your alert and the secure messaging system from the home page.

Once your alert has been received, you will also be informed :

  • that your report has been received ;
  • the measures planned or taken to assess the accuracy of your alert;
  • where applicable, the measures taken to remedy the subject of your alert.

The time taken to process your report varies and depends on the complexity of the facts reported and the nature of the information you are able to provide.

All exchanges on the platform are fully encrypted and can be accessed by clicking on the ‘Access an existing report’ button and entering your confidential code.

List of case managers

I am reporting a matter that concerns the Compliance Officer and/or the Legal Affairs, Compliance and Ethics Department (DAJCD) or the staff reporting to them The report is received directly by the Group's Inspector General for Audit and the staff duly authorised by him/her
I wish to report any other subject/issue The report is received directly by the Deontologist and agents duly authorised by him.

Useful documentation

User Guide
User Guide

To Know

The alert platform complements other existing reporting channels (e.g. line manager, human resources, staff representatives). 

It is not intended to be used for routine ethical issues (deontologiecdc@caissedesdepots.fr) or in the field of human resources.

Furthermore, if you are a CDC customer and wish to report a dissatisfaction or complaint, please contact your usual advisor or the person in charge of customer complaints.